Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Eco Challenge. We loved seeing your creativity in putting together such a variety of games!
Congratulations to the winners of each category:
Primary School Digital Game – Kalkie State School, Nixon (year 3) for the submission “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”
Primary School Physical Game – St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Eco Heroes Group (years 4 – 6) – for the submission “Buddy”
Middle School Digital Game – Woodford County High School for Girls (England), Amra (year 7) for the submission “Green GO”
Middle School Physical Game – Woodford County High School for Girls (England), Fatima (year 7) for the submission “Safe Zone Scavengers”
High School Digital Game – Bundaberg North State High School, Benjamin and Phu (year 10 and 11), for the submission “A Race Against Extinction”
High School Physical Game – Ryan Catholic College, Emmasyn (year 10) for the submission “Shark Finders”
What a fantastic effort by everyone involved. Thank you everyone for your submissions! We look forward to seeing what you come up with next year!…